Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Simply Chex Mix Strawberry Yogurt

I LOVE cereal. I love it dry, I love it wet, I love it mixed with other stuff.
I usually make portable snacks by mixing a bunch of cereals, pretzels, and nuts that I have at home to make a wonderful trail mix.
I don't usually put dried fruit though because it tends to make the mix soggy.

Anyways, today I am reviewing Strawberry Yogurt flavored Chex Mix. Don't be alarmed if you haven't heard of this variety before because it's not easily found in your local area. It's one of those things that you have to order online or something.

It's called Simple Chex because, unlike the other Chex Mixes that contain pretzels/nuts and other things, this only has flavored chex cereal pieces.

Taking a look inside the bag you notice some chex pieces are lighter than others. You can also spot some chex pieces dipped in strawberry yogurt, hence the name of the flavor. You really do get the smell of very tart, but very sweet strawberry flavoring.

The chex pieces are very crunchy. You do not want to eat these in a place that other people can hear you crunch. I mean they are OBNOXIOUS! It's like someone put a microphone to you mouth so you yourself can announce to the world that you are eating Chex Mix.

One the bright side they are flavorful. There is a sort of unpleasant tartness to it that could definitely be improved. It's not a disgusting mix, but it is the worst of all the Chex Mixes that I have tried. If you know what I am getting at.

It is a decent size for the calories though. The calories can vary per package. I know that they most commonly come in 100 calorie packs. Mine was 120 calories for some reason.

I give this product a 5/10.
It wasn't that great.

Quaker Life Soft Baked Banana Walnut Bread Bar

Another trip down the snack aisle brought me to these bars. I have a thing for Banana Walnut Bread, so I grabbed them. They were on sale =).

They look exactly like a smaller version of Quaker's oatmeal-on-the-go. They are meant to be for adults; possibly because they have more fiber and protein in them.

The bar smelled good, looked good, and tasted good. The only thing was that the sweetness came as an aftertaste. Nevertheless, they were delicious and I would buy them once again.

I hope they still make them because I cannot find them on the Quaker website.

I give them an 80%.