We often hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I must agree. We all know that a healthy breakfast consists of a good balance of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Which is essentially true; I know that when I eat a healthy breakfast I feel satisfied and prepared for my whole entire day. But many of us think that if you do not have a healthy option for breakfast, that you should not eat breakfast at all. At least half the dieters in this world would rather eat no breakfast than eat a doughnut because they believe it is healthier. This is a mistake. Skipping breakfast is about the worst thing you can do to yourself whether you are on a diet or not. You already don’t eat all night for 8-10 hours so when you skip breakfast your body thinks that you just could not find food and will start hoarding the fat in your body.
I remember this one time when I was a little girl – about 7 years old- and my aunt and cousin came over one morning. I was enjoying a brownie for breakfast and both started the shun this apparently “sinful” thing I was doing. My mom didn’t understand what was so bad about eating chocolate for breakfast, and my stupid family kept going “blah, blah, blah”. Well now they are obese and unhealthy. Clearly, eating anything for breakfast is better than eating nothing.
The reason I talk about unhealthy breakfasts is that I believe pancakes aren’t exactly the best breakfast for you They are just pure carbs with very little protein. Even whole grain pancakes aren’t the best choice. But they are one of the best tasting things in the world. I even had a phase last year that lasted two months where I wanted pancakes all the time. I usually make my pancakes but we all know that during business days we don’t have time to whip up a batch of pancakes. So I decided to buy a pack of Cinnabon Caramel Pancakes.
These pancakes are amazing. First of all, they have 4 servings in a box of 3 pancakes per serving. Each serving is in its own pouch so that (a) you have portion control, and (b) the pancakes don’t get a freezer burn as you leave it in the freezer. For only 270 calories, you get a delicious pancake experience. As you microwave the pancakes, which are supposed to be microwaved for 1 minute and 15 seconds, you get this wonderful cinnamon roll aroma in the room.
The pancakes are sweet enough so that you don’t even need to put syrup or jelly on them. In each pancake there are some white uncooked looking portions that are actually the cream cheese frosting that you find on cinnamon rolls. These little frosting balls make the pancake sweeter and actually add a good touch to the pancake. I have never tried Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls, but if they taste better than these pancakes, they must be heaven. There isn’t a strong cinnamon flavor in these pancakes, but they are definitely delicious.
The texture of these pancakes is absolutely perfect. They are chewy and soft at the same time. But if you aren’t into the chewy-ness of pancakes then one option would be to cook these pancakes for a less amount of time. These way the pancakes are more soft then chewy.
I love these pancakes and they are great for any time of the day.