Kraft seems to own just about everything these days and one of their newest line of products is Temptations by Jell-O. On their taste testing website, people have ranked the Apple Custard Pie flavor the least appealing flavor of the varieties.
Well I for one think that those people are idiots. From what I understand, the Strawberry Cheesecake flavor seems to be the most popular of them all. Personally, that flavor made me want to vomit along with Mousse Temptations. Both have a rotten and airy texture that is simply sickening.
So back to the Apple Custard Pie. I have never been a fan of pie due to the mismatch of textures. The stale crust does not go well with the watery inside. But lately I've been trying some delicious pies and it has been growing on me.
I've always loved apples and frequently make cinnamon-apple compotes and oatmeal that taste better than any apple pie I know of. So I was appealed to this particular flavor of Jell-O Temptations.
Turns out this stuff is amazing. There is a nice, thick layer of jam on top of the little black cup of pudding that has little chunks of apple in it. The bottom is an extra creamy vanilla pudding like substance that obviously represents the custard. It has the perfect amount of tart in it that reminds me of frozen yogurt.
The after taste is just like regular apples with an odd twist.
Temptations by Jell-O, nevertheless, still hasn't put a lasting impression on me. I keep buying them with hopes that each flavor is better than the next. So far I am in love with the chocolaty ones.