See's Cashew Brittle is one of the most exciting chocolates to try for me personally. It has cashews in it for one, which is one of the top greatest nuts on my list. It also had the magnificent coconut hinted in there, which you can never go wrong with coconut.
The moment I stuck this in my mouth part of me felt joy and happiness, while the pessimistic part of me felt bitter dissapointment.
If no one had told me I would have no idea that there was coconut hiding in this candy. The cashews were at least visible in their famous, delicious, perfectly-crafted toffee; but I couldn't really taste them with the toffee over powering their flavor. Unlike the California Brittle, whose almonds had a significant effect on the taste of the chocolate.
This honestly just tasted like a sweeter version of California Brittle, due to the white chocolate on top, but without the almond flavoring. I do prefer California Brittle to this though because it has a heavier chocolate and nut flavor to it.
But there is no doubt that I love this stuff too. I could eat it all day to tell you the truth. I would definitly include one of these in a custom mix box.
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